Data Fidelity

DHS Has Been Funding Programs at Universities To Label the “Manosphere” Movement a Terror Threat

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The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to team up (by means of funding) with universities around the country, this time in a bid to stomp out the “Manosphere.”

In keeping with the formal purpose and tasks of the DHS, the idea is to treat the “Manosphere,” positioned as an anti-feminist effort, as a terrorist threat.

Regardless of somebody’s stance pro or against modern variations on feminism, some observers are wondering if opposing this social and ideological phenomenon can in fact fit within any definition of – terrorism.

Some explain this opposition as simply a negative yet lawful reaction to the so-called “third wave” feminism already being bankrolled by some of the largest foundations out there, and then using this money and exposure in the media to promote and even impose “wokeism” in pretty much the only way “wokeism” works – the oppressive one.

Those who feel oppressed here, the “Manosphere,” consist of figures from social media and political discourse, generally speaking, arguing in favor of “men’s rights.”

What’s noteworthy is that reports say the government, via DHS, has now apparently picked its side in this ongoing social and cultural to-and-fro between the two groups.

And now, Arizona State University (ASU) is shown to have forged (monetary) links with DHS thanks to documents that have become public. As reported by Zero Hedge, specifically, the school’s McCain Institute is involved here, which in turn has ties with Big Tech and like-minded NGOs – such as ADL and SPLC.

It doesn’t help matters that the stated goals in the now-revealed documents’ goals is to promote “hate speech surveillance” – nor does indeed, “redirecting traffic” from both websites and social networks as a means to do it, apparently a method to be used under the grant.

However, this isn’t the first DHS foray into spending money and teaming up with US universities to work against a number of issues that appear closer to its tasks, namely, actual terrorism, but also probing the activities of those who express patriotic political sentiment, and even preppers.

As for the money given to ASU, it is part of TVPT (Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention) scheme which, according to DHS itself, last year went to 34 recipients, and was worth $20 million.

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