This is the ninth part of Calc Basics and here we will learn about the functions MIN and MAX to seek for minimum and maximum value. We still use the same exercise document following Part VIII from the series of this tutorial and you can download it below too. Now let’s start the exercise.
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Grab the document file here [ODS 30KB] for your exercise.
Write (or copy) this data table into two sheets namely MIN and MAX. Please note that the table spans across B2 to H23. And this dataset is still the same as Part VIII. Save the document as 09-min-max.ods.
Suppose we want to find lowest scores in MIN sheet.
1. Put cursor in I3
2. Do the formula =MIN(E3:H3)
3. Repeat it for the rest of column from ABI to CLAUDIA
4. Name the column Lowest Score
5. Similarly do it horizontally at the bottom from E24 to H24
6. As a result, you will see lowest score (minimum value) of students is evaluated individually in horizontal (right) and collectively in vertical (bottom).
For example, here you can evaluate lowest score individually, Silvie got 30 while Ahmad got 50 at worst, while collectively (as a whole) this class got 30 in Math and 45 in English.
On the other hand, suppose we want to find highest scores in MAX worksheet.
1. Put cursor in I3
2. Do the formula =MAX(E3:H3)
3. Repeat it for the rest of I3 column in MAX sheet
4. Name the column Highest Score
5. Similarly do it horizontally from E24 to H24
6. As a result, you will see highest score (maximum value) of students is evaluated individually in horizontal (right) and collectively in vertical (bottom).
For example, here you can evaluate highest score individually, Abi got 80 while Claudia got 90 at best, while collectively (as a whole) this class got 100 in Math and 94 in English.
Happy exercising!
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