Data Fidelity was approached to build a simple, scalable, carbon-neutral E-commerce website.
Newcastle Web Design
Web Design Newcastle
1) Build an E-commerce store from scratch, which can be easily navigable and manageable for site administrators
2) Build a number of highly customizable product variations including products sold by weight, dynamic (multi-buy) discounts, bulk buy or weight quantity-based discounts
3) Input automated postage calculations, create product vouchers such as flat rate shipping, free shipping, or local pickup options
4) Install & configure carbon-neutral, robust website hosting within Australia, including setting up Email integration with the E-commerce website
5) Explain in great detail how to process orders placed via the website, update product pricing, variations and vouchers
6) Automatic daily site backups which can be quickly deployed.Â
For Web Design Newcastle
The first step with delivering the project, was to create a WordPress website, & install the basic plugins.
Di was unsure about which way to go with her website, as a myriad of recommendations were provided to her, for a number of different ways of building a website, from writing one from scratch, to using a very basic web builder. We explained to Di about the benefits of using WordPress over another website framework (Such as Wix or SquareSpace) from both a robustness, and scalability perspective.
Unlike other website builders, WordPress in its most basic form, is a pre-configured series of HTML, CSS, PHP and SQL files which form a very basic blog website. However, due to being open-source & very popular, the enormous number of Plugins created by the global developer community have infinitely improved its usability for any amount of website cases. For Eco Remedy, we have used an incredibly powerful & customizable plugin, Woocommerce, to deliver what Di needed for her website. WooCommerce is a freely available, open-source add-on for WordPress websites. In simple terms, what this means is that WordPress can be modified & customized at the extent of which its fundamental code languages can be.Â
Data Fidelity had recommended WooCommerce for Eco Remedy, based on the requirements needed for Eco Remedy products.
- Some products were sold on a simple basis, such as compostable Toothbrushes, were sold on a per-item basis.
- Some products were sold on a per-weight basis, such as Borax, requiring a weight option added to some products.
- Eco Remedy was still operating at the Lilydale markets, and customers needed the option to purchase goods online & pickup from the markets on a Sunday, if they wanted to save on shipping.
Newcastle Web Design