Data Fidelity

Ubuntu Desktop Shortcut Keys Reference Made Simple

This listing contains useful keyboard shortcuts for Ubuntu 24.04 “Noble Numbat” which makes use of GNOME 46 technology as its desktop environment. By using these shortcut keys, you can work quicker and more effectively. We made it simple by listing only a few those mostly used in daily works and removing a lot of the rest. Now let’s start trying them!


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Super = also known as Windows key, located between Ctrl and Alt keys.


List of Shortcut Keys Before Booting:

Esc = cancel.

Ctrl+Alt+Del = restart.


Desktop-Related Shortcuts:

Esc = cancel.

Super = show currently running applications.

Super+A = show all applications (“start menu”).

Super+D = show desktop (minimize all windows)

Super+S = show system tray.

Super+M = show calendar.

Super+L = lock screen.


Application Windows and Their Contents Related Shortcuts:

Alt+F4 = close current window.

Alt+Tab = switch between active windows.

Alt+Ctrl+Shift+R = record screen.

Alt+Printscreen = take screenshot of current window.

Ctrl+S = save document. 

Ctrl+N = new window.

Ctrl+Shift+N = create new folder.

Ctrl+Q = quit current application and its windows.

Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left = switch workspace to the right/left. 

Ctrl+Alt+Del = on desktop, show logout menu.

Ctrl+Alt+Del = on booting, restart.

F1 = open Help (User Guide).

F5 = refresh.

File Management Shortcuts


Read main article Ubuntu File Manager Shortcut Keys Reference. 


F2 = rename a selected item.

Del = delete selected item(s) (move them to Trash, recoverable).

Shift+Del = delete selected item(s) permanently (not found in Trash, not recoverable).

Ctrl+A = select all items.

Ctrl+C = copy selected item(s).

Ctrl+V = paste copied item(s).

Ctrl+X = cut selected item(s).



This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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