Data Fidelity

Alternative File Managers to Ubuntu 24.04’s Default Nautilus

This article is a listing of several alternatives to Ubuntu 24.04 default file manager Files also known as Nautilus. We write this for you who encounter some issue or want features missing on Nautilus. The alternatives are Dolphin, Nemo, Caja, and Thunar. We present you here a brief review of each of the four as well as how to install one to your Ubuntu machine. Happy reading! 


(In normal reading direction: Dolphin, Nemo, Caja and Thunar)

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Dolphin is widely known as the file manager of Kubuntu and KDE. It is the most feature complete among all file managers mentioned here.  

Thumbnails view Image previewShow disk drives on left panel
Search (Ctrl+F)Filter (Ctrl+I)Split window (F3)Integrated terminal (F4)Sort by Name, Type, Date ModifiedGo up button
Show in Groups Customizable toolbar items Customizable user interface layout
Right sidebar (F11) File size: 172MB/483MB
Command line to install it: $ sudo apt-get install dolphin



Nemo is widely known as the file manager of Linux Mint (Cinnamon) and recently Ubuntu Unity.


Thumbnails viewSplit window (F3)
Show disk drives on left panelShow disk capacityOpen in TerminalOpen as Root
Go up button
SearchSplit windowFile size: 7MB/38MB
Command line to install it: $ sudo apt-get install nemo




Caja is widely known as the continuation of the original Nautilus and now is the file manager of Ubuntu MATE as well as part of MATE Desktop. If you want to know how is the old Ubuntu file manager look and feel like now if it were not discontinued, you should try Caja.

Thumbnails viewShow disk drives on leftSplit window (F3)Go up button
Multitabbing (Ctrl+T)
Search (Ctrl+F)
File size: 11MB/106MB Command line to install it: $ sudo apt-get install caja 


Note: once installed, find “Files” on applications menu or run “caja” command line to run Caja File Manager because (just like Nautilus) there is no entry named “Caja”.



Widely known as the file manager of Xubuntu and Xfce Desktop. It is the most lightweight among others mentioned here. Today, it features search capability after many years of absence.

Thumbnails viewSplit window (F3)
Search (Ctrl+F)Show disk drives on left panel
Go up button
Multitabbing Send to desktop / Create Shortcut LinkOpen Terminal Here
File size: 2MB/14MBCommand line to install it: $ sudo apt-get install thunar



Issues on Nautilus

noted several issues according to our own opinions when using Ubuntu default file manager which in the past called ‘Nautilus’ and now ‘Files’ perhaps also affecting you:

The name is confusing. Originally it is ‘Nautilus’ and
on menu it is called ‘Files’ so which one is it? And also isn’t that name conflict with our actual “data files”? Should we say “I open my files using Files?”

2. No image thumbnails / previews on livecd sessions.

3. No split window (it was once).

4. No integrated terminal (a terminal inside the window).

5. Many features and how it looks changed quickly by the developers.

6. Does not show disk drives on main window (should click button to show them).

Not integrated well with the taskbar / dash (open a disk drive and the
icon will move to another icon at the bottom and this behavior is not expected). Perhaps this is specific to Ubuntu, but it does happen.

The one marked bold above was the motivation for us writing this article.



This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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