Data Fidelity

Download Ebook: Xubuntu Desktop User Guide 2022

This ebook is Xubuntu Documentation published in 2022, free to download and share, a complete user guide of Xubuntu GNU/Linux operating system with Xfce desktop environment for computer and laptop. It mainly introduces and explains about Xubuntu, the system, and Xfce, the graphical user interface, without limiting it to a specific OS version. Even if you don’t use Xubuntu, but only use Xfce, this book is a worthy read. We encourage you to print out and share this excellent book as many as
possible to people you love if you can. Lastly, we say thank you
and greatest appreciation to The Xubuntu Team for publishing this book.

Title: Xubuntu Documentation
Description: A complete guide book of Xubuntu GNU/Linux operating system with Xfce desktop environment. This book is released on 2022 and not limited to version 22.04 LTS only. It explains basic introduction of Xubuntu and Xfce, how to use it, how to configure and customize it, what applications are available and how to install and remove and update them, how to manage, maintain and troubleshoot it up until the end. It is available in two paper size choices A4 and USLetter.
Authors: The Xubuntu Team
Publication date: 2022 Pages: 123 and 130
Price: Free to download
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (free to read, copy, edit, mix, share and sell) First chapter: Introducing about Xubuntu, the name, the philosophy, releases and version numbers, editions and what made up Xubuntu from Free/Open Source Software, GNU, Linux, Xfce, Debian and Ubuntu.
Second chapter: Explaining installation of Xubuntu to computer and laptop starting from downloading the ISO, making backup, making the bootable medium, booting and the actual steps to install.
Third chapter: Explaining everything about Xubuntu Desktop, the panel, the icons, the menu, the workspace and how to use them.
4th chapter: Explaining default applications like Atril, Engrampa, Thunar and LibreOffice and the others.
5th chapter: Explaining software management including how to install, remove, update individual applications as well as upgrade the system.
6th chapter: Explaining settings and customization including adjusting panel, menu, desktop, wallpaper and themes. It also includes personalization of Xubuntu to mimic user interface of Windows and MacOS.
7th – 11th chapters: Explaining settings from hardware, networking, printing and scanning, user management and hardware devices (driver and disk partitions). 12th chapter: Explaining file management and filesystem of Xubuntu.13th chapter: Explaining multimedia applications use for playing music, movies and reading or burning CDs/DVDs.14th chapter: Explaining migration from Microsoft Windows with dictionary, WINE, and networking.15th chapter: Explaining troubleshooting mainly about networking.16th chapter: Explaining how to upgrade Xubuntu.17th chapter: Appendix containing application table and copyright and licensing information.





Note: with respect to The Xubuntu Project, this book is built from source and hosted on Internet Archive by us (Ade Malsasa Akbar) because the official website currently does not have the PDF files and we have filed a bug report with ongoing discussion at Launchpad. When the official PDF files become available, we will edit this to point to it instead. 





Xubuntu Documentation List (Web)

The Official Xubuntu Documentation (Web)

Xubuntu Documentation Source Code (GitHub)

Xubuntu Documentation Package (Launchpad)


This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

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