This is a list of English websites you can read and subscribe to in 2023 whose topics are about news, reviews, buyer advices and tutorials of GNU/Linux and Free Libre Open Source Software (FOSS) and branded hardware devices around them. This list includes our beloved Ubuntu Buzz and of course along with many other similar and useful sources. You can subscribe to each news via web browser as well as news reader application such as Ubuntu built-in Thunderbird. Finally, we make this to help newcomers learn and old timers revisit again our community and we hope you will like it. Happy reading!
(Ubuntu Fridge, the Ubuntu weekly newsletter website everyone can subscribe to and read about many things about free & open source software community)
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Important notes: for curious readers, please read Linux and GNU by The GNU Project for it is enough to explain why we want to be careful in naming in this article by distinguishing the whole system name (GNU/Linux) and the kernel name (Linux) but we let each website’s name and slogan unchanged.
9 To 5 Linux
“Linux news, reviews, tutorials, and more” — 9to5Linux was founded by Marius Nestor in January 2020 as a technology blog covering latest GNU/Linux and Open Source news, as well as to keep everyone up to date with the latest software and distribution releases.
Anandtech’s Linux Tag
AnandTech, founded by Anand Shimpi in 1997, serves the needs of readers looking for reviews on PC components, smartphones, tablets, pre-built desktops, notebooks, Macs, and enterprise/cloud computing technologies. It has a lot of news and reviews about GNU/Linux under Linux tag.
Arstechnica’s Linux Articles
Ars Technica —meaning “art of technology” in Latin— founded in 1998 by Ken Fisher and is now part of WIRED Group, a widely respected technology journalism website in general and reporting news about GNU/Linux, Mac, and Windows in particular as parts of the computing technology.
Betanews’ Linux Topics
Up-to-date insight and analysis of the technology industry and its role in our society. They have GNU/Linux news under the Linux tag.
Boiling Steam
“PC Gaming of Linux is so tomorrow” — Boiling Steam is dedicated website covering the world of PC GNU/Linux Gaming since 2014 owned by Ekianjo.
BoingBoingNet’s FLOSS Tag
The award-winning zine, blog and directory of mostly wonderful things. It talks about many things such as technology, computing and among others, Free/Libre Open Source Software (also known as FLOSS).
ComputerWorld’s Linux Category
The Voice of Business Technology — Computerworld (part of IDG company, sister to is a digital publication of computing (since 2014, formerly a printed magazine since 1967) from the United States. They have articles about GNU/Linux under the Linux tag.
Cubicle Nate
“Linux, vintage tech and nonsense” — This is a website founded by Nate Graham since 2018 that talks about mostly tech related, such as, GNU/Linux, vintage computing, building or fixing things, food or other nonsense. It is one among few blogs that writes reviews, opinions and tutorials about openSUSE.
NixCraft (
nixCraft is a site, blog, forum, and social media account that helps new and seasoned GNU/Linux and Unix/*BSD sysadmins/developers who want to make the most of the sysadmin-hood. nixCraft is a single (one man) indie operation by Vivek Gite and online since 2002.
David Revoy
David Revoy is a French artist who has ~20 years of experience at working remotely as a freelance artist working only with Free/Libre and Open-Source Software on a Gnu/Linux system, and that since 2009. He uses free software and hardware devices (laptops, tablets, etc.) that are compatible with them. He is widely known for his arts being used in a lot of free software projects, let’s say for example Framasoft and their PeerTube.
Digital Ocean’s Community Tutorials
6,000+ development and sysadmin tutorials. — DigitalOcean is a multinational American IT company founded in 2011 with main business goes around providing Virtual Private Servers (VPS) based on GNU/Linux.
Digital Trends
Digital Trends, claiming as “the largest independent premium technology publisher in the world”, is an award-winning multimedia brand that guides consumers to ” the best products and services available today”. They cover many things digital including computing, gaming, mobile devices, as well as buyer’s guides. They have articles about GNU/Linux if you search “Linux” in the box.
It is a community of 1 million software developers (and still increasing) founded 2016 consisted of member’s web blogs that mostly talks about computing in general, software programming, sysadmin, networking, the trends etc. The website itself is created with a free software named Forem and developed by the contributors themselves altogether. One might see similar to either or except the author members are specifically software developers.
DistroWatch is a website dedicated to talking about, reviewing, ranking and keeping up to date with open source operating systems. This site particularly focuses on GNU/Linux distributions and flavours of BSD, though other open source operating systems are sometimes discussed. There is a lot of information out there on GNU/Linux distributions and this site tries to collect and present that information in a consistent manner to make it easier to locate.
DZone’s Open Source Category
ExtremeTech’s Linux Tag
It is a technology news website with focus on computing, hardware, software, science and things around that. Launched in 2001, part of Ziff Davis Media and now sister to, they’re a thriving community of users and experts seeking to answer the unanswerable questions of technology. They have GNU/Linux articles under “Linux” tag.
Fedora Magazine
Fedora Magazine is a website that hosts promotional articles and short guides contributed from the community about free/libre and open-source software that runs on or works with the Fedora GNU/Linux operating system.
FOSS Force
“Keeping tech free” — FOSS Force is a news site offering insight into the goings on in the IT world, focusing on the interests of the Open Source community.
Free Code Camp’s Linux Category
FreeCodeCamp is a website to help people learn to code for free. They accomplish this by creating thousands of videos, articles, and interactive coding lessons – all freely available to the public. They also have thousands of freeCodeCamp study groups around the world. They have GNU/Linux tutorials under “Linux” tag.
Full Circle Magazine
Full Circle is a free, independent, monthly magazine dedicated to the Ubuntu family of GNU/Linux operating systems. Each month, it contains helpful how-to news and reader submitted stories. The issues can be downloaded as PDFs.
Geeks For Geeks’ Linux-Unix Category
GCF Global
For almost 20 years, the program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century for free. They teach computing basics, office, email, internet etc. They have GNU/Linux tutorials under “Linux” topic.
Ghacks Linux Category
Ghacks is a technology blog that was founded in 2005 by Martin Brinkmann. It has since then become one of the most popular independent technology sites on the Internet with regular contributions from freelance writers.
Founded in 2002 as one of the internet’s very first “tech blogs,” Gizmodo is dedicated to fiercely independent reporting and commentary on technology, science, and internet culture. They have GNU/Linux articles under “Linux” tag.
Hackaday serves up Fresh Hacks Every Day from around the Internet. Their playful posts are the gold-standard in entertainment for engineers and engineering enthusiasts. They have GNU/Linux articles under “Linux” tag or “Open Source”. They are one among a few publications in the world who use the term “hacking” with the correct meaning (playful cleverness, not breaking into security measures) and aligned to the free software community.
How Stuff Works
HowStuffWorks got its start in 1998 at college professor Marshall Brain’s kitchen table and was a pioneer in the podcasting business as the creator and original home of Stuff You Should Know (now part of iHeartMedia). Today, our writers and editors share all the things we’re excited to learn with over 10 million site visitors each month. They have articles about GNU/Linux under “linux” search keyword.
Howtoforge is a technology tutorial website founded 2005 by Till Brehm from Germany with open contributions from many authors. The founder is also the founder of ISPConfig, a popular free sysadmin software. They are publishing helpful, user-friendly GNU/Linux tutorials since 2005 and have over 1.5 million page views every month. They cover almost everything about GNU/Linux howtos, including desktop, networking, server and sysadmin stuffs.
IBM’s Linux Category
International Business Machines, widely known as IBM, is a century old computer technology company and the founder of today’s personal computer (PC). They are a long time GNU/Linux user as well as contributor. And they have a lot of GNU/Linux articles and tutorials on their website under “Linux” tag with some of them are written by key people of our community, for instance, Gentoo founder Daniel Robbins.
InfoWorld, part of IDG Communications, is an award-winning technology news website. They cover software development, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning tools and technologies for an audience of information technology (IT) professionals. They have many GNU/Linux articles under the dedicated “Linux” category.
It’s Foss
It’s FOSS is an award-winning web-portal that focuses on Open Source in general and GNU/Linux in particular. They engage with the community through discussions in the comments and forum.
Kotaku’s Linux Tag
Kotaku, sister to Gizmodo and Lifehacker, is a computer games news, tips and review website. They have GNU/Linux gaming articles under “Linux” tag. For instance, they publish news about SteamDeck (device) and titles of Steam games.
Laptop Mag’s Linux Articles
Laptop Mag is a mobile computer review and news website (formerly printed magazine) from the United Kingdom founded in 1991. They have several news and opinions about branded GNU/Linux laptop if you search with “linux” keyword. However, their reviews are mostly for Windows ones while for GNU/Linux, they had only a few, for instance the old Acer Aspire One with Linpus Lite distro.
Le Bottin des Jeux Linux / The Linux Game Book
It is an open source database both in english and french in which you will find 3000+ Linux games and 800+ tools (engines, emulators, …), with useful links, help (to install some games & tools), tests & videos. This database is licensed under a libre and open source license (CC-BY).
Libre Arts was previously known under the name Libre Graphics World. It’s an online magazine for creative professionals using free applications for digital painting, graphic and web design, desktop publishing, photography, and CAD. They use free software such as GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, Digikam etc. for their works and publications. It is a website that focuses into the software more than operating system.
It (a sister to and is a blog about life hacks and computer software founded by Gina Trapani in 2005. They have a lot of articles about GNU/Linux under “Linux” tag. They are also one among a few publications who use the term “hackers” correctly (one who is exercising playful cleverness, not merely security breaking) and this meaning is what we free software community use.
Tech for Humans — Lifewire is an award-winning technology website part of Dotdash (formerly with a lot of news, reviews and advices in mobile and computing. They have GNU/Linux articles under the search keyword “linux”.
Linode, founded by Christopher Aker and now part of Akamai, is a global server infrastructure provider based on GNU/Linux and claiming themselves as the pioneer of cloud computing since 2003. Aligned with their basis, they also published massive amount of GNU/Linux articles, documentations, news and tutorials especially around their field in sysadmin, networking and virtualization.
Linux Format
Your complete guide to the world of Linux — Linux Format, part of Future PLC thus sister to Laptop Mag, is a monthly computer magazine from the United Kingdom first published in 2000 that highlights the latest developments in the world of GNU/Linux and open source.
Linux Foundation
“Empowering generations of open source innovators.” — The Linux Foundation is a non-profit technology organization from the United States founded in 2000 to standardize the Linux kernel, support its growth, and promote its commercial adoption. As the consortium that funds Linux kernel, they have published massive amounts of global news and reports around it.
Linux Gaming Central
Linux Handbook
Linux Handbook, sister to It’s Foss, is an independent, reader-supported publication focusing on GNU/Linux Command Line, Server, Self-hosting, DevOps and Cloud Learning. They have server-related tutorials and many of them are published in series, for instance, Bash Series, RHCE Ansible, and Rethinking DevOps.
Linux Help
“Learning Linux Made Simple” — Linux Help, part of Netaxis IT Solutions, is a technology tutorial website from Tamil Nadu, India focusing on GNU/Linux server and networking. What made this website unique is that every tutorial is a mix of a video and a text tutorial.
Linux Journal
Linux Journal is a monthly American computing magazine founded in 1994, focused on GNU/Linux and open source. It was the first magazine about the Linux kernel and operating systems developed around it. In 2019 it was discontinued, and shortly in 2020 it was revived and continued under Slashdot Media ownership, the company behind and
Linux Kernel Blog
This blog’s intention is to provide information on Linux kernel programming for device drivers development and for hacking kernel. The author hopes this would help beginners in Linux a lot at the basic stage of understanding concepts. For instance, it publishes about anatomy of the kernel, system calls, device drivers etc.
Linux Links
Linux Links, founded in 1994 and the archive began in 2017, is a technology website focusing on GNU/Linux and FOSS reviews. As its name suggests, they offers a lot of links arranged in categories some to their software reviews and recommendations, some to alternative software, some to tutorials about programmings and using the operating system in general.
Linux Magazine
The magazine for Linux professionals — Linux Magazine (founded 1994 in Germany, named Linux Magazin in German, Linux Pro Magazine in Canada, and owned by Linux New Media USA, LLC) is an international technology magazine about GNU/Linux and its software. In 2016, it was merged with another magazine from the UK, Linux Voice.
Linux Pro Magazine
See Linux Magazine. Linux Pro is the magazine name published in Canada and North America and owned by the same company Linux New Media. Thus, it is sister to Admin Magazine, FOSSlife, and Open Source Job Hub.
Linux Today
LinuxToday, owned by Technology Advice and sister to, is a technology website, contributor-driven news resource supporting all types of GNU/Linux users., part of The Linux Foundation, is the go-to resource for open source professionals to learn about the latest in GNU/Linux and open source technology, careers, best practices, and industry trends. Get news, information, and tutorials to help advance your next project or career – or just to simply stay informed. is one of the most popular GNU/Linux websites from the 1990s, offering a wealth of information and resources for GNU/Linux users, including a comprehensive database of software and tools, as well as a user forum where users could ask questions and exchange information.
Linuxtopia is an extensive online resource for anyone learning or deploying enterprise level open source technology. Linuxtopia wants to be an indispensable source of technical information for C, C++, Java or Web developer, a system or database administrator, hardware engineer or a security specialist.
LWN (originally Linux Weekly News), founded in 1997 and owned by Eklektix, Inc., is the premier news and information source for the free software community. They provide comprehensive coverage of development, legal, commercial, and security issues about GNU/Linux, Free/Libre and Open Source Software and the community.
The world is talking about GNU/Linux and Free/Open Source Software — LXer Linux News ( is a fully independent news and opinion site, established in January 2004, by Linux veteran Dave Whitinger, a well-known personality in the free and open source software community.
Make Tech Easier’s Linux Category
Uncomplicating the complicated, making life easier — Make Tech Easier, founded in 2007 by Damien Oh, is a reputable tech site with strong focus on computer tutorials, how-to, hacks and fixes. They have a lot of GNU/Linux and FOSS articles under “Linux” category. They also published ebooks about Ubuntu.
Make Use Of’s Linux Articles
Founded in 2007, MUO has grown into one of the largest online technology publications on the web. Our expertise in all things tech has resulted in millions of visitors every month and hundreds of thousands of fans on social media.
Medium’s Linux Tag is a blog platform where authors can publish their own personal website under the web address. There are a lot of GNU/Linux blogs under Medium. They can be found under “Linux” tag. In this regard, Medium is similar to
Notebook Check’s Linux Topic
Notebook Check is an international hardware magazine which is concentrated on topics about laptops, especially notebook reviews. is the German based origin of
OMG Ubuntu
We’re OMG! Ubuntu! — an online news site covering Ubuntu and related activities in the Linux and open-source eco-systems in an approachable and engaging way — well, so we hope!
Open Source Design
We are a community of designers and developers pushing more open design processes and improving the user experience and interface design of open source software.
Open Source For You
It is a technology website from India focusing on GNU/Linux and open source especially about news and tutorials., founded in 2010 by Red Hat, is a premier, daily publication focused on open source and GNU/Linux tutorials, stories, and resources.
Open Source is Awesome
The Awesome Open Source, a publication of both website and YouTube channel, is a technology website founded by Brian McGonagill designed for the purpose of providing detailed video instructions and introductions to freely available, open source, and self-hostable software and services.
It is an operating system news website. It has many news and reviews of GNU/Linux distributions and their branded computers. There are Ubuntu and Fedora, also System76 and Slimbook, among many others.
PCLinuxOS Magazine
PCLinuxOS Magazine is a free, independent, community produced magazine dedicated to the PCLinuxOS family of operating systems. Each release will contain helpful how-tos, articles and reader submitted stories. The magazine and website were created to help users find their way around the OS, while at the same time, pointing users to the proper website for the extra help that may be needed. It is also our intention to promote PCLinuxOS, its remasters and related websites.
PCMag is a leading authority on technology, delivering lab-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology.
PCWorld’s Linux Search
PCWorld helps you navigate the PC ecosystem to find the products you want and the advice you need to get the job done.
Planet Debian
A news website (also called aggregator or planet) that collects news from many of Debian Project Developers’ personal websites. From Planet Debian, readers can follow what is happening in Debian Project directly from the developers themselves.
Planet GNU
A news website (also called aggregator or planet) that collects news from many of The GNU Project Developers’ personal websites. From Planet GNU, readers can follow what is happening in The GNU Project directly from the developers themselves.
Planet Ubuntu
A news website (also called aggregator or planet) that collects news from many of Ubuntu Project Developers’ personal websites. From Planet Ubuntu, readers can follow what is happening in Ubuntu Project directly from the developers themselves. is a community of professional photographers who use free software. They advocate the use of and collaboration around graphic tools like GIMP, G’MIC, Darktable, Blender, etc.
Server World
It is a Japanese-English news and tutorial website about server computers and networking with focuses on GNU/Linux and other operating systems.
Slashdot’s Linux Section
Slashdot, founded in 1997 by Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda and as a company parent to and, is a social news website that originally billed itself as “News for Nerds. Stuff that Matters”. It features news stories on science, technology, and politics that are submitted and evaluated by site users and editors. Each story has a comments section where users can add online comments. It has a special GNU/Linux section that discusses about the OS, FOSS and the community.
Softpedia News Linux and OSS
It is a Romanian news technology website founded in 2001 focusing on providing download of computer software mainly for Microsoft Windows beside many others. They also have FOSS articles under “Open Source” category and GNU/Linux ones under “Linux” category.
Tech Advisor
Tech Advisor, part of Foundry (IDG Communications) and sister to PCWorld, began in August 1995 when they launched PC Advisor print magazine. The website followed in 1996, and in June 2017 they rebranded as Tech Advisor. They deliver news and articles about computing technology in general, with several main topics namely PC, laptop, and mobile phone. They have articles about GNU/Linux under “linux” search keyword.
Techcrunch’s Open Source Tag
Tech Crunch, founded in 2005 and now part of Yahoo! (merged with AOL), is an American technology website focusing on high-tech and startup companies. They have many articles about GNU/Linux and FOSS under “open source” tag.
“The source for Tech Buying Advice” — TechRadar, owned by FuturePLC and sister to Linux Format, is a technology news, review and recommendation website about computer, laptop, mobile phone etc. They have many articles about GNU/Linux and FOSS under “linux” and “open source” search keywords.
“#1 Linux Blog” —, founded 2012 by Ravi Saive, is a technology website that publishes practical and useful out-of-the-box articles about IT in general and GNU/Linux in particular. They have a massive number of tutorials and resources about the operating systems, news, database, sysadmin, certifications like Red Hat’s, and many more.
The Geek Stuff
The Geek Stuff is a technology website founded by Ramesh Natarajan since 2008. The main focus of this blog is GNU/Linux and Open Source Technologies with specific topics such as database, programming, etc. included. And the founder is the author to the free book 101 Linux Hacks downloadable in the same blog.
The Verge
The Verge is about technology and how it makes people feel. Founded in 2011, they offer the audience everything from breaking news to reviews to award-winning features and investigations, on our site, in video, and in podcasts. They have GNU/Linux articles and some about branded hardware devices like Dell “Ubuntu” XPS under dedicated “Linux” tag.
Time’s Linux Category
Time is an American news magazine founded in 1923 from New York City. They have news about GNU/Linux under “Linux” search keywords and even more about FOSS under “open source”.
Tux Machines
Do you waddle the waddle? — A long living aggregator website founded by Dr. Roy Schestowitz and Susan focusing on software freedom and GNU/Linux for news, tutorials, and criticisms. Our beloved website, Ubuntu Buzz, is featured in Tux Machines along with many other free software websites.
Ubuntu Buzz
The unofficial Ubuntu Blog from Indonesia owned by Mahmudin Ashar, previously authored by himself and Damar Riyadi, and since 2015 authored by Ade Malsasa Akbar — this is our beloved blog!
Ubuntu Geek
It is a technology website about Ubuntu Linux Tutorials, Howtos, Tips & News (currently focusing on Jammy Jellyfish and Kinetic Kudu). One thing particular about this website is, they love to share free ebooks about GNU/Linux and computing.
Ubuntu Handbook
Ubuntu Handbook is founded by Ji M from China as a technology blog about News, Tutorials, Howtos for Ubuntu GNU/Linux. It provides a Personal Package Archive (PPA) with same name that is known enough to wide Ubuntu users.
UbuntuPIT is founded 2016 by Mehedi Hasan as a Technology Blog on GNU/Linux News, Chromebook, Data Science, Coding and Programming, and Open Source Trends.
Unixmen, founded by El Khamlici, provide GNU/Linux Howtos, Tutorials, Tips & Tricks, Opensource News. It cover most popular distros like Ubuntu, LinuxMint, Fedora, Centos. It is your Gate to the the world of Linux/Unix and Opensource in General.
It is a blog from Hamburg, Germany as well as a training and consulting company about Eclipse, Java, Web/Flutter and Android programming. Look at their tutorials, from their screenshots we know that they use Ubuntu.
Xmodulo is an online GNU/Linux knowledge base founded in 2013 by Dan Nanni from the United States. Like Wikipedia too, their articles are licensed under a free license CC BY-SA.
Wizard Zines
Wizard Zines is a programming zines by Julia Evans, one among women contributors to the Linux kernel. It covers the most fundamentals of software development like debugging, Git (version contron systems), DNS, TCP, etc. by explaining things in simple manners and avoiding unnecessary things. It is also available as print editions.
ZDnet, originally Ziff Davis’ net, founded in 1991 is an American business technology news website with a long history of ownership changes. It was Ziff Davis’ originally, then acquired by CNET, and finally acquired by Red Ventures. They have many articles about GNU/Linux under “Linux” topic.
See Also
Awesome Sysadmin — a collection of websites about system administration, server, cloud computing, and networking.
Awesome Linux — a collection of websites about GNU/Linux.
Awesome Free Software — a collection of free as in freedom software projects.
Awesome Open Source — a collection of open source software projects (many overlap with Free Software).
This article is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.